Transform your home with the right lighting

From dawn till dusk, we need light, and so do our homes. When the natural sort is in short supply, well-planned lighting is even more of a must-have, for both comfort and practicality alike.

Below we have included some simple tips to help you decide where and what you need, to get the light just right!

General lighting

This should be your starting point, and here you should choose a lamp that spreads an even light into a large area. This is usually in the form of a ceiling lamp and/or ceiling spotlights.

Functional lighting

Specifically for where you need good, stronger light, for example where you might work or read. It’s a directed light source, that’s bright enough to allow you to see what you’re doing more easily. This could be done with spot lights, or a directional standard lamp.

Mood lighting

Provided by your more decorative light sources, which give discreet lighting and create a cosy atmosphere. If you opt for a dimmer switch, you can give yourself even greater flexibility. This light source might be provided by spotlights inside a glass-door cabinet, or by a table or floor lamp, which enables you to diffuse a soft light into the room.