Whether it’s your new normal, your route to achieving a better work/life balance, or you just want to get better organised, the home office is definitely here to stay!
In pride of place
Some interior design inspiration for how best to display your most treasured posessions.
In Sweden, we have an old saying… “The most precious thing you've got, you put on the table.” But what if your table’s in constant demand? No worries. Check out these innovative ideas for places where you can more easily give ‘pride of place’, to more than a few of your favourite things.
IKEA recommend this DIY hack in collaboration with interior designer Pella Hedeby. They’ve called their creation "the magazine shelf". In this example, MOSSLANDA picture rails are attached to SÄLJAN kitchen worktops, tilted against a wall and fastened with a piece of leather. It’s quite simply gorgeous.
A modern, metallic grid paired with traditional, wooden clothes pegs. It’s a stylish combo, beloved of interior design bloggers and Instagrammers alike. A smart and easily updatable way to view favourite photos and postcards or leave little messages. What’s not to like?
Create a window of opportunity. Fixed safely to a wall, a previously loved frame is transformed into a unique message board - whiteboard pen works well on glass. An innovative home for favourite quotes, photos and pictures. It’s original thinking at its best!